
This is the neocities page of filtercake. Cornify Sharkify

Building the neocities page in Markdown:


  1. Editor with preview: Mou.
  2. Chrome extension: Markdown link generator
  3. Markdown Editing for Sublime Text. Cmd-Alt-k is link, Cmd-Shift-k is image, Cmd-Alt-v is "paste contents of clipboard as an inline link on selected text".
  4. Build markdown into html and view it in browser with Sublime Text. Find MarkdownBuild.sublime-settings and edit "output_html" : false, to "output_html" : true, to save html file on build. Edit markdown.css in the same directory for styles (eg add img { max-width: 100%; }).
  5. Glui for make-screenshot-and-edit-and-upload-to-dropbox-and-copy-link-to-clipboard. Update prefs: